Saturday, June 9, 2007

Rainbows and bagpipes

This has been an insanely busy week both at home and at work. As in two sets of preterm twins simultaneously on Friday. The NICU was running amok and there were only three nurses on the floor for WAY too many antepartum and labor patients. Some days if everyone survives you have to consider it a success. If you're wondering, yes it was a success. Needless to say very little knitting was accomplished. It's hard to correlate how aching feet and legs translates to not knitting but it does. Probably something to do with not being able to knit in the bath where I was gulping Smirnoff Ice. Friends don't let friends Knit drunk. The first of the bribery socks was accomplished on Thursday and a test drive indicates that looser casting off is needed. This revision will be completed hopefully this weekend as I enjoyed the toe-up pattern so much that I'm actually looking forward to the second sock. This is unheard of. I'm still waiting for my new yarn to be delivered so the second sock needs to be well under way so I'm not tempted to abandon it.

I am writing this from my newly put together office on my new (put together by Larry) desk. Yeah Larry! We'll see how he feels when the bookshelves come in next week. The office is barren except for a futon & wall decor by Mo ( see above) and of course the computer. I can look out the window at the brown grass in my front yard and if I open the window I can listen to the guy down the street practising his bagpipe. The window will be staying closed. It sounds like he stepped on a very large pissed off cat. Did you know that bagpipes are loud? Really really loud? As in I can hear the darn thing with the window shut loud? Oh well, Kenny Chesney will have to sing louder. Did I mention that he is coming to Atlanta for my birthday? Not exactly, but I will be seeing him on the weekend of my birthday so it's sort of the same thing. Not.
We have gotten a little rain this week in the form of late afternoon thunderstorms that last about 30 min and then are gone to leave steaming pavement and an incredibly pretty rainbow. Leaving work on Thursday there were little kids splashing in the puddles and dancing around pointing at the sky and darned if there wasn't a huge rainbow. It was a nice way to end the day.

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