Here is my sweet Jenny expressing her opinion of today's weather. She has had great fun watching the outside kitties try to escape the horrible blizzard that has befallen Atlanta. That's right folks - Storm watch '08 has happened. This is what it looks like.
At least Larry has the proper handknits to wear even if the hat is the WRONG color. Orange sheep are notoriously hard to find and even more difficult to catch & shear I'm told. However, because I'm a loving and determined mom I would have made my baby a proper orange hat so that all would know the wonder that is Volunteers footsball. My child. The fruit of my loins ( snigger) is a uga fan. God help us all.
At least the dog's baby is well behaved and loving although obviously very confused.
Speaking of babies - Congratulations to Kendra & hubby on adopting Christian born Monday. He will be suitably attired in handknits as soon as possible. You have to start them early to prevent later fibre rebellion or poor color choices as the case may be. Here is some eye candy to end the post with. The little speck to the right of the sun is a red-tailed hawk who has decided to live in the back yard with his wife & their friends. I'm calling thme Fred & Wilma and Barney & Betty.
Well that was kinda a sucky blizzard but it was fun! I love your back yard!!! :)
which Kendra?
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