Thursday, February 7, 2008

Deer stalker

So,I'm coming home from working out and some of you know my history with deer; I turn into my driveway and I slam on the brakes. Why? you ask. Because there are three, THREE deer standing in my drive looking at me. And they nonchalantly stroll off into the front yard allowing me to slowly, cautiously creep forward to hide my little car in the garage. Is it paranoid to think that the deer were stalking me? Note to those who aren't aware of my deer history. I have ( in the last 7 years) committed 4 deer murders with my vehicles. Also 2 Honda's and a Dodge but that's beside the point - None of these incidents were my fault, honest. These deer looked as if they had an axe to grind and I'm just happy to have escaped the wrath of Bambi's mom. Happy Thursday and deer? Slightly bruised apples have been placed in the back yard for your consumption. Peace.


Knit Witch said...

How fun!!!! Well, not the homicide part.........the deer in the driveway part!

I just heard an "apple thank you" I think!

theyarnwhisperer said...

You know I've had my own history with deer with a death wish. Knock on wood, I haven't killed a deer since Steven and I were dating.