Monday, December 31, 2007

Almost 2008

As the year ends and a new one begins a great many are making resolutions regarding what the will or won't do in the coming year. I have a great many goals that I am pursuing but they are and will remain mine and mine alone. One thing that I will share is that I intend to blog without obligation in the future.

See - I even have a handy dandy logo that I swiped from somebody else's blog who had a really good idea + the ability to write code. It stems from the fact that most blogs I read start off with " wow it's been a long time since I blogged...." And mine has been the same way. So from now on I'm going to blog when I darn well feel like it without apology for however long the interval between entries might be. I like blogging and will do it when I get around to it and I refuse to feel guilty for not keeping up with the Harlot. We can't all be as prolific or as entertaining as she.
Tomorrow I say goodbye to Air Force boy for several months. It has been great having him home and we will miss him greatly. Our wallets are sighing with relief though. Air Force boy is high maintenance. His visit has also brought us closer to officially having a daughter in law. Elly Mae is sporting a very pretty ring so listen for wedding bells some time in the next year.

1 comment:

theyarnwhisperer said...

You may not be the Harlot, but you are pretty darn prolific and entertaining.
So, where did Air Force boy get the ring? I remember him asking you about how much one should spend a ring and all that jazz.
I don't necessarily feel obligated to blog, but I do feel bad when I don't have pictures (perhaps that's why I stick them up there sideways...just to have ANY kind of picture up there.) Its like as adults we've all been reduced to 3 year old reading mentality when it comes to blogs.... we don't want to read anything that doesn't have pictures.