The finding of this truck ,typically, took us around our asses to get to our elbow. In other words - we drove all over Atlanta only to buy a truck less than a mile from our house. The great truck search also took me to within 1 block of Knitch yet I came home emptyhanded. Didn't even get to browse and fondle. I'm not moving past this anytime soon either. AH knows this. He is afraid.
Also new are the cool growy things in the backyard. These are prenatal figs. They will be way yummy in about 2 weeks if we can win the battle with the deer. Bambi & co swiped most of our crop last year and even ate part of the tree. The are currently being thwarted by pie tins and string which rattle threateningly in the breeze. Hey, we are nothing if not high tech around here.
And this is but one of the bumper crop of pears that we are awaiting. Curious thing. One pear tree ( the scrawny ugly one) is absolutely groaning under the weight of all the fruit. The other ( tall nicely shaped) has about 6 pears on it. I'm sure there is something deep and meaningful related to this. The ugly tree being a hardworker and productive to make up for it's appearance. The other tree pretty but a slacker.
Sort of a commentary on life. Huh. Oh by the way Aub? Me & you have to make some pear preserves. Just saying.
WOW - nice truck!
I have started a pair of media socks from the books Favorite socks. You would be so proud of me.... I am knitting them on size 1 needles. I may go blind or insane or both in the process. They are cute socks. You would like knitting them since you love those blasted itsy bitsy teeny tiny addis.
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