Monday, November 5, 2007

Still gone.

Or perhaps gone round the bend. It's hard to tell. The feather & fan socks are officially hibernating. And yet I still ogle the pretty yarns on my computer screen as if I will ever have time to knit all that is already stashed in my house. Don't tell AH. He only knows about a fraction of the whole and I've no desire to be on yarn restriction again. Twas a sad and lonely place. As I write this I hear it in my head spoken with a Scottish accent. Perhaps what I deserve since I just read Janice's post. I haven't yet progressed to spinning. The desire just isn't in me - yet. Spare time recently has been spent taming wild kittens in hopes of rounding them up and hauling them to a vet to be fixed. Pics of the wee ones to follow when the critters stop freaking out about strange noises, and movement, and curious ( tho entirely harmless) dogs, and leaves and butterflies and what have you.
The only project I'm currently making any headway on is this sweater for a coworker who has inexplicably decided to have a baby. If it wasn't such a brainlessly easy pattern it would be stalled too. You'd think she'd know better considering what we do for a living. Oh well. Mine is not to question why. Mine is not to let them die.Happy Monday peeps.

1 comment:

Knit Witch said...

Know that deoderant commercial that says "Never let 'em see you sweat"? Maybe knitters need to modify it a bit to "Never let 'em see your stash."

No kidding though, if I hadn't had my baby BEFORE working in L&D I would have never done it. Consequently I only have one. I couldn't handle the extreme stress of L&D - things go bad WAY too fast for me so - off to the pediatric world which absolutely CONFIRMED my theory that no child is ever born normal - I mean really, normal delivery, births and children so much seem to NOT be the norm when you are a nurse!