Sing this with me : To the tune of " Rock the Casbah"
I re-a-lly don't like it
I hate to clean the cat box ,clean the cat box
But the cat box is now clean and I can sing something else for the rest of the week. Perhaps " Irreplaceable" by Beyonce. Eartha? will you sing with me again? The sleep deprivation associated with this weekend has left me punchy so if this post makes no sense - Go read someone else's blog - someone coherent.
I also don't like grout. AH and I have attempted any number of home improvement ventures in our almost 20 years of marriage. In addition to drywall which has a similar " grit" factor, Grout is one of my new Least Favorites.
And now - gasp - Knitting content. There has been precious little time this week for knitting but with new episodes of lots of my favorite TV shows, I will be plunking my heiney on the divan to knit and gape mindlessly at the telly. Some progress has been made on the comfort socks - no recipient yet, put your shoes sizes in the comments maybe I'll come up with a contest. I like the Berroco comort sock yarn but it is a bit splitty. Really nice stitch definition and soft when worked though. The big wool shrug is about 1/3 done but will not be pictured here - the recipient is a reader. and finally the shibui socks have a toe which Teddy will model as soon as I can find him. My computer monitor blew a gasket a while back and was shipped off for repair. Hope Teddy is not in the box. AH swiped Larry's monitor so that I wouldn't suffer withdrawal from lack of interwebs. All this so I can bring you this drivel. Aren't you glad you came? Come back soon - it will get better. I promise. Maybe. Bye.